How to Get an Ion Cleanse Foot Detox

How to Get an Ion Cleanse Foot Detox

The history of the ion cleanse foot detox stems back many years when it was discovered that illness exists more frequently when the body is more acidic. The purpose of the ion cleanse is to change the polarity of the atoms and pull toxins out of the body. Many spas, chiropractors and holistic healers use the ion cleanse to both change the bodies Ph and remove toxins. Read on to learn how to get an ion cleanse foot detox.


Clean your feet. Before you leave to get an ion cleanse, make certain that your feet are clean. You remove your shoes and socks in order to get the foot cleanse.


Prepare to give your medical history. If you are pregnant, lactating, epileptic, have a pacemaker, on blood thinners, or have a transplanted organ you should not get a ion cleanse foot detox.
can get an ion cleanse but it is not recommended for those under four.


Expect muscle testing. Many of the practitioners administer a muscle test prior to giving the detox treatment. The test identifies weaknesses and confirm whether an ion cleanse is necessary and if so the amount of time that your feet should remain in the water.


Wait for the technician giving the ion cleanse foot detox to fill a lined pan with warm water and add a bit of sea salt. Remove all jewelry, watches, cell
and put your feet in the warm water for a treatment. The practitioner giving the treatment then hooks a small machine to the edge of the pan and turns it on.


Stay calm if you feel an initial tingle or pressure on your toenails when the machine starts. This lasts a few seconds and is not particularly uncomfortable.


Watch as the water changes slightly. Initially the water changes color slightly due to the minerals in the water and the salt. This has nothing to do with the waste that it draws from your body.


Read a book. Changes occur in the water as the toxins are pulled through the pores in your feet. Clumps of mucous, parasites, bits of metal and other toxins change the color of the water dramatically. Check the color of the water after the ion cleanse foot detox. The different colors indicate the area of the body that produced the waste.


Wait for the foot rinse followed by a short foot message with scented lotion and a vitamin mineral drink. Not all practitioners apply the lotion or give a nutritional supplement. The lotion contains herbs that are absorbed through the open pores in the feet. The supplement aids in replenishing any mineral and vitamin shortage.

Tips & Warnings

The various colors that the water turns are yellow-green which indicates urinary tract problems, orange indicates the waste came from joints, brown is liver, cellular debris and tobacco, black is the liver only and dark green is gallbladder. White foam indicates the waste came from the lymphatic system and white cheese-like particles are from yeast. If you see black flecks then it is heavy metal with red flecks being blood clot materials. Parasites can also appear in the water.

Diabetics should eat before an ion cleanse foot detox.